The Absolutely Horrifying Figures That Will Keep You Up At Night.


What are the scariest numbers? Are they the numbers that represent death and destruction? Or are they the numbers that represent the unknown and the infinite? Whatever they are, there is no doubt that certain numbers have a way of sending chills down our spines.

One of the most common examples of a scary number is 13. In many cultures, 13 is considered to be an unlucky number. It is often associated with death and misfortune. In fact, some people are so afraid of the number 13 that they will go to great lengths to avoid it. They will not stay in a hotel room that is numbered 13, and they will not fly on an airplane that has a seat number of 13.

Another number that is often considered to be scary is 666. This number is often associated with the devil. In the Book of Revelation, 666 is referred to as the "number of the beast." As a result, many people believe that 666 is a cursed number. They believe that it brings bad luck and misfortune to those who come into contact with it.

Of course, not all scary numbers are associated with death and destruction. Some scary numbers are simply large and incomprehensible. For example, the number googol is a 1 followed by 100 zeros. It is a number that is so large that it is difficult to even imagine. The number googolplex is even larger. It is a 1 followed by a googol of zeros. These numbers are so large that they are beyond our comprehension. They are a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the insignificance of our own existence.

the scariest numbers

Numbers can be used to represent many things, including death, destruction, and the unknown. Certain numbers have been associated with fear and superstition throughout history, and these numbers are often referred to as "the scariest numbers." Here are six key aspects of the scariest numbers:

  • Unlucky numbers: In many cultures, certain numbers are considered to be unlucky. For example, the number 13 is often associated with death and misfortune, and the number 666 is often associated with the devil.
  • Numbers of death and destruction: Some numbers are associated with death and destruction. For example, the number 9/11 is associated with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the number 7/7 is associated with the terrorist attacks of July 7, 2005.
  • Numbers of the unknown: Some numbers are associated with the unknown and the infinite. For example, the number pi is an irrational number that goes on forever, and the number googol is a number that is so large that it is difficult to even imagine.
  • Numerology: Numerology is the study of the numerical value of letters and names. Some people believe that certain numbers have special powers or meanings, and they use numerology to make decisions about their lives.
  • Phobias: Some people have a phobia of numbers. This phobia is called arithmophobia, and it can range from a mild fear of numbers to a severe fear that can interfere with daily life.
  • The power of suggestion: The power of suggestion can play a role in the fear of numbers. For example, if someone tells you that the number 13 is unlucky, you may start to believe it and avoid the number.

The scariest numbers can have a powerful impact on our lives. They can cause us to feel fear, anxiety, and even panic. However, it is important to remember that numbers are just symbols. They do not have any real power over us. The power of numbers lies in our own minds.

Unlucky numbers

Unlucky numbers are a subset of the scariest numbers. They are numbers that are believed to bring bad luck or misfortune to those who come into contact with them. The belief in unlucky numbers is often based on superstition and cultural beliefs. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that any number is actually unlucky.

  • The number 13 is considered to be unlucky in many cultures. In some cultures, it is believed that 13 is the number of witches at a coven. In other cultures, it is believed that 13 is the number of steps on the gallows. As a result, many people avoid the number 13 whenever possible. They will not stay in a hotel room that is numbered 13, and they will not fly on an airplane that has a seat number of 13.
  • The number 666 is often associated with the devil. In the Book of Revelation, 666 is referred to as the "number of the beast." As a result, many people believe that 666 is a cursed number. They believe that it brings bad luck and misfortune to those who come into contact with it.
  • The number 4 is considered to be unlucky in some Asian cultures. The word for "four" in Chinese sounds similar to the word for "death." As a result, many people in China avoid the number 4 whenever possible.
  • The number 9 is considered to be unlucky in some cultures because it is associated with death. In some cultures, it is believed that the ninth day after someone's death is the day when their soul is judged. As a result, many people in these cultures avoid the number 9 whenever possible.

The belief in unlucky numbers is a widespread phenomenon. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that any number is actually unlucky. The power of unlucky numbers lies in our own minds. If we believe that a number is unlucky, we may start to avoid it. This can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, where we actually experience bad luck because we are expecting it.

Numbers of death and destruction

Numbers of death and destruction are a subset of the scariest numbers. They are numbers that are associated with tragedy, loss, and pain. These numbers can be a reminder of some of the darkest moments in human history, and they can trigger strong emotions in those who have been affected by them.

The number 9/11 is a prime example of a number that has become synonymous with death and destruction. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were one of the most horrific events in American history, and the number 9/11 has become a symbol of that day. The number 7/7 is another example of a number that has become associated with tragedy. The terrorist attacks of July 7, 2005, in London, were another horrific event, and the number 7/7 has become a symbol of that day.

Numbers of death and destruction can have a profound impact on our lives. They can trigger memories of traumatic events, and they can make us feel sad, angry, or scared. However, it is important to remember that numbers are just symbols. They do not have any real power over us. The power of numbers lies in our own minds.

We can choose to let numbers of death and destruction control us, or we can choose to use them as a reminder of the importance of peace and understanding. We can choose to let these numbers divide us, or we can choose to let them bring us together.

The choice is ours.

Numbers of the unknown

Numbers of the unknown can be scary because they remind us of the vastness of the universe and our own insignificance. We cannot fully comprehend these numbers, and they can make us feel small and insignificant. However, these numbers can also be fascinating and awe-inspiring. They can remind us of the beauty and mystery of the universe, and they can inspire us to learn more about it.

The number pi is an irrational number that goes on forever. This means that it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction. Pi is used to calculate the circumference of a circle, and it is also used in many other mathematical and scientific applications. The number googol is a 1 followed by 100 zeros. It is so large that it is difficult to even imagine. The googol is used to represent very large numbers, such as the number of atoms in the universe.

These are just two examples of numbers of the unknown. There are many other numbers that are just as vast and incomprehensible. These numbers remind us of the limits of our knowledge and the vastness of the universe. They can be scary, but they can also be fascinating and awe-inspiring.

The connection between numbers of the unknown and the scariest numbers is that both types of numbers can trigger feelings of fear and anxiety. Numbers of the unknown can make us feel small and insignificant, while the scariest numbers can make us feel threatened or even terrified. However, it is important to remember that both types of numbers are just symbols. They do not have any real power over us. The power of numbers lies in our own minds.

We can choose to let numbers of the unknown and the scariest numbers control us, or we can choose to use them as a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the importance of humility. We can choose to let these numbers divide us, or we can choose to let them bring us together.

The choice is ours.


Numerology is a pseudoscience that has been around for centuries. It is based on the belief that numbers have special powers or meanings. Numerologists believe that the numerical value of a person's name or birth date can reveal their personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Some people even use numerology to make decisions about their lives, such as choosing a career or finding a partner.

  • The connection between numerology and the scariest numbers

    One of the connections between numerology and the scariest numbers is that both can be used to predict the future. Numerologists believe that the numerical value of a person's name or birth date can reveal their future. Similarly, some people believe that the scariest numbers can be used to predict future events, such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

  • The use of numerology to avoid the scariest numbers

    Another connection between numerology and the scariest numbers is that numerology can be used to avoid the scariest numbers. For example, some people believe that the number 13 is unlucky. As a result, they may avoid the number 13 whenever possible. Similarly, some people believe that the number 666 is the number of the beast. As a result, they may avoid the number 666 whenever possible.

  • The use of numerology to overcome the fear of the scariest numbers

    Finally, numerology can be used to overcome the fear of the scariest numbers. For example, some people believe that the number 13 is unlucky. However, a numerologist may be able to help a person to understand that the number 13 is not actually unlucky. As a result, the person may be able to overcome their fear of the number 13.

Numerology is a complex and fascinating subject. It is important to remember that numerology is not a science. However, it can be a helpful tool for understanding ourselves and our lives. If you are interested in learning more about numerology, there are many resources available online and in libraries.


The connection between phobias and the scariest numbers is that the scariest numbers can trigger phobias in people with arithmophobia. For example, someone with arithmophobia may have a specific fear of the number 13. This fear may be so severe that it prevents them from doing everyday activities, such as going to the grocery store or using public transportation. In some cases, arithmophobia can even lead to panic attacks.

The scariest numbers can also be a symptom of arithmophobia. For example, someone with arithmophobia may start to avoid certain numbers because they are afraid of them. This avoidance can lead to a vicious cycle, where the person becomes more and more afraid of the numbers they are avoiding.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for arithmophobia. However, there are a number of treatments that can be effective, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. With treatment, people with arithmophobia can learn to manage their fear of numbers and live full and productive lives.

The scariest numbers are a real and serious problem for people with arithmophobia. However, there is hope. With treatment, people with arithmophobia can overcome their fear of numbers and live full and productive lives.

The Power of Suggestion

The power of suggestion is a well-documented phenomenon that can influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In the context of "the scariest numbers," the power of suggestion can play a significant role in shaping our perceptions and reactions to certain numbers.

  • Influence on Beliefs:

    The power of suggestion can influence our beliefs about the significance of certain numbers. For example, if someone repeatedly tells us that the number 13 is unlucky, we may start to believe it, even if there is no rational basis for this belief. This can lead us to avoid the number 13 in various aspects of our lives, such as avoiding staying in hotel room 13 or boarding a flight on the 13th of the month.

  • Emotional Responses:

    The power of suggestion can also trigger emotional responses when we encounter certain numbers. For instance, if we have been taught to believe that a particular number is associated with bad luck or misfortune, we may experience feelings of anxiety or fear when we come into contact with that number. This can lead to avoidance behaviors or even panic attacks in severe cases.

  • Cultural Impact:

    Cultural beliefs and superstitions can play a significant role in the power of suggestion surrounding certain numbers. In some cultures, certain numbers are considered auspicious or lucky, while others are viewed as inauspicious or unlucky. These cultural associations can influence our perceptions and reactions to these numbers, even if we do not consciously believe in the superstitions themselves.

  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecies:

    The power of suggestion can create self-fulfilling prophecies in relation to "the scariest numbers." If we believe that a particular number is unlucky, we may subconsciously act in ways that increase the likelihood of negative outcomes. For example, if we avoid taking a flight on the 13th because we believe it is unlucky, we may inadvertently increase our chances of experiencing a flight delay or cancellation on a different day due to our altered travel plans.

In conclusion, the power of suggestion is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that can significantly influence our perceptions and reactions to "the scariest numbers." By understanding how suggestion works, we can become more aware of its potential effects and take steps to mitigate its negative impact on our lives.

FAQs on "the Scariest Numbers"

This section addresses commonly asked questions and misconceptions surrounding the topic of "the scariest numbers." Understanding these aspects can help clarify the subject and alleviate any apprehensions or misunderstandings.

Question 1: Are certain numbers inherently unlucky or scary?

Answer: Cultural beliefs and superstitions often associate certain numbers with good or bad luck. However, there is no scientific or logical basis to suggest that any number possesses inherent power or influence over our lives.

Question 2: Can numbers trigger phobias or anxiety?

Answer: Yes, some individuals may develop a specific phobia of numbers known as arithmophobia. This condition can range from mild discomfort to severe anxiety when encountering certain numbers.

Question 3: Is it possible to overcome a fear of numbers?

Answer: With the help of therapeutic interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure therapy, individuals with arithmophobia can gradually manage and overcome their fear of numbers.

Question 4: How can we mitigate the influence of negative beliefs associated with numbers?

Answer: Recognizing the power of suggestion and challenging irrational beliefs can help reduce the impact of negative associations with certain numbers. Focusing on rational thinking and evidence can counteract superstitious influences.

Question 5: Is it harmful to avoid numbers we fear?

Answer: Avoidance behaviors can reinforce and perpetuate fears. Confronting and gradually exposing ourselves to the feared numbers, within a controlled and supportive environment, is more effective in overcoming phobias.

Question 6: Can numbers be used for positive purposes?

Answer: Numbers are essential tools in various fields such as mathematics, science, and technology. They play a crucial role in advancements, problem-solving, and understanding the world around us.

Summary: Understanding the role of cultural beliefs, the potential for phobias, and the power of suggestion can help us approach "the scariest numbers" with a more informed and rational perspective. Remember, numbers are neutral entities, and any perceived power or influence they may hold is often a product of our own beliefs and interpretations.

Transition: Having explored the various aspects of "the scariest numbers," let's delve into the historical and cultural contexts surrounding these numerical beliefs and their impact on societies throughout history.


Our exploration of "the scariest numbers" has unveiled a fascinating interplay between cultural beliefs, psychological responses, and the power of suggestion. Throughout history, certain numbers have acquired associations with fear and superstition, shaping our perceptions and behaviors in profound ways.

While there is no inherent power within numbers themselves, the meanings we ascribe to them can have a significant impact on our lives. Understanding the origins and cultural contexts of these beliefs empowers us to question irrational fears and challenge negative associations. By embracing rational thinking and challenging superstitions, we can liberate ourselves from the grip of numerical phobias and unlock the potential of numbers as tools for progress and understanding.

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